Feed, Pray, Love

Temple Sholom, a Reform congregation in Cincinnati, Ohio hosts a social action project each year after their main Yom Kippur service. It involves assembling thousands of meals to be donated to local homeless shelters. Be Bold Creative was hired to develop the marketing campaign and collateral materials for this endeavor. In thinking about the target audience, we decided that the concept should be simple and concise but make a big statement… a tough task by anyone’s measure.

The book/movie title, Eat, Pray, Love, quickly came to mind. But just as quickly we realized we’d have to ditch that idea. Using the word “eat” on Yom Kippur didn’t seem right. The problem was, it was just too perfect for us to give up. There had to be a way to modify it so it would work. It occurred to us that if we crossed out the word “eat” and stamped the word “feed” over it, it would send the message that even though we as Jews can’t eat on this one day, we can help feed those who don’t have enough to eat most days.

That message, combined with a stark black and white palate with just one word in red, was the perfect way to draw attention to the main goal of the program, helping the congregation raise awareness and recruit a large group of volunteers.


Marketing Materials


Wild West Purim Fest


Shabbat Shalom Hay